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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Amateur Advertising

Bosman, Julie. (April 4, 2006). Chevy Tries a Write-Your-Own Ad Approach, and the Potshots Fly. New York Times.

Jaffe, Joseph. (June 13, 2005). Consumer Generated Content. iMedia Connection.

Kiley, David (July 25, 2005). Advertising, Of, By, and For the People. Business Week.

Wheaton, Ken. (February 12, 2007). And the winner is...everyone! Advertising Age, Vol. 78, Issue 7

Amateur Ad: Converse

Click here to learn more about this ad!

Amateur Ad: iPod Mini

Firefox Flicks: About the Project

Click here to see more entries!

Heinz Ketchup Commercial Challenge: About the Challenge
Click here to see more entries!

KFC Popcorn Chicken Commercial Contest: About the Contest

Joint Ventures in Advertsing

Brand Licensing and Transmedia Storytelling

Elliott, Stuart. (December 17, 2007). A year for quick hits and fast flops as campaigns broke new ground. The New York Times.

Jenkins, Henry. (March 22, 2007). Transmedia storytelling 101. Confessions of an Aca-Fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins.

Robinson, Buck. (September 1, 2007). DR bonds radio with the internet. Response Magazine.

Yang, M. Roskos-Ewoldsen, D.R., Dinu, L., Arpan, L.M. (2006). The effectiveness of “in-game” advertising. Journal of Advertising, 35(4), 143-152.

What Makes Advertising Effective?

Ad Aesthetics

Chatterjee, Patrali (2008). Are Unclicked Ads Wasted? Enduring Effects of Banner and Pop-Up Ad Exposures on Brand Memory and Attitudes. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research: Online Advertising and Sponsored Search, 9(1), 51-61.

Chatterjee, Patrali. (2004). Changing banner ad executions on the web: impact on clickthroughs and communication outcomes. Advances in Consumer Research 2004 Proceedings, eds. G. Menon and A. Rao, Provo, UT: Assocation for Consumer Research, forthcoming

Moore, Robert S., Claire Allison Stammerjohan, Robin A Coulter. (2005). Banner Advertiser-Web Site Context Congruity and Color Effects on Attention and Attitudes. Journal of Advertising, 34(2), 71-84.

Ruth, Julie A. Bernard L Simonin. (2006). The Power of Numbers. Journal of Advertising, 35(4), 7-20.

Media Strategy

Baker, William E., Heather Honea, Cristel Antonia Russell. (2004). Do Not Wait to Reveal the Brand Name: The Effect of Brand-Name Placement on Television Advertising Effectiveness. Journal of Advertising, 33(3), 77-85.

Chang, Yuhmiin. Esther Thorson. (2004). Television and Web Advertising Synergies. Journal of Advertising, 33(2), 75-84.

Obermiller, Carl, Eric Spangenberg, Douglas L MacLachlan. (2005). Ad Skepticism. Journal of Advertising, 34(3), 7-17.

Rowley, Jennifer. (2004). Online branding: the case of McDonald's. British Food Journal, 106(2/3), 228-237.

Cognitive/Affective Appeals

Cline, Thomas W., James J Kellaris. (2007). THE INFLUENCE OF HUMOR STRENGTH AND HUMOR-MESSAGE RELATEDNESS ON AD MEMORABILITY: A Dual Process Model. Journal of Advertising, 36(1), 55-67.

Fam, Kim-Shyan, David S Waller. (2004). Ad likeability and brand recall in Asia: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Brand Management, 12(2), 93-104.

Homer, Pamela Miles (2006). RELATIONSHIPS AMONG AD-INDUCED AFFECT, BELIEFS, AND ATTITUDES: Another Look. Journal of Advertising, 35(1), 35-51. Retrieved March 29, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database.

Johnson, G.J., Bruner, G.C. II, Kumar, A. (2006). Interactivity and its facets revisited. Journal of Advertising, 35(4), 35-52.

Muehling, Darrel D., David E Sprott. (2004). THE POWER OF REFLECTION: An Empirical Examination of Nostalgia Advertising Effects. Journal of Advertising, 33(3), 25-35.

Gender Differences

Chang, Chinching (2007). THE RELATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF COMPARATIVE AND NONCOMPARATIVE ADVERTISING: Evidence for Gender Differences in Information-Processing Strategies. Journal of Advertising, 36(1), 21-35.


Khatibi, Ali, Ahasanul Haque, Hishamudin Ismail. (2004). Gaining a Competitive Advantage from Advertising (Study on Children's Understanding of TV Advertising). Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 4(1/2), 302-306.

What Are the New Forms of Advertising?

"Viral" or "Buzz" Marketing

Jaffe, Joseph. (June 2, 2003). Viral Marketing. iMedia Connection.

Khermouch, Gerry. (July 30, 2001). Buzz Marketing. Business Week Online.

Morrissey, Brian. (November 1, 2007). Brands Infiltrate Social Circles to Create Buzz. AdWeek.

Stevenson, Seth (October 24, 2005). Masked: Is Burker King Trying to Put One Over on Me? Slate Magazine.

Wilson, Ralph. (February 1, 2005). The Six Principles of Viral Marketing. Web Marketing Today.

Interactive Advertising

Jaffe, Joseph. (2003). Involving Experiences. iMedia Connection.

Jaffe, Joseph. (2003). Inviting Interaction. iMedia Connection.

Stelter, Brian. (March 18, 2008). Online Games by the Hundreds With Tie-Ins. New York Times.

Weeks, Rebecca. (May 13, 2005). Q&A with Reebok's Marc Fireman. iMedia Connection.

Burger King's Subservient Chicken

Reese's Puffs Cereal: Kelly Kimbell's Snowboard Slalom

Product Placement

Hampp, Andrew. (2008). Why Brands Win in Reality Competitions. Advertising Age.

Kehaulani Goo, Sarah (2006). Apple Gets a Big Slice of Product-Placement Pie. The Washington Post.

McMains, Andrew. (August 4, 2003). Absolut Mixes Up 'Hunk' Cocktail." Adweek.

Steinberg, Brian. (2007). "Verizon Gets in on 'Gossip Girl.'" Advertising Age.

The Future of Advertising

Berman, S.J., Abraham, S., Battino, B., Shipnuck, L., Neus, A. (2007). New business models for the new media world. Strategy and Leadership, 35(4), 23-30.

Hemp, Paul. (2006). Avatar-Based Marketing. Harvard Business Review.

Kharif, Olga. (March 10, 2008). Mobile Ads: Slow to Take Off. Business Week.

Vara, Vauhini. (August 23, 2007). Facebook Gets Personal With Ad Targeting Plan. Wall Street Journal.

Why Are New Forms of Advertising Necessary?

Berman, Saul, & Bill Battino (November 2007). The End of Advertising As We Know It. MediaWeek, Vol. 17, Iss. 41, p.10.

Calder, Bobby J., & Edward C. Malthouse (December 2005). Managing Media and Advertising Change with Integrated Marketing. Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 45, Issue 4, p.356-361.

Urso, Nicole. (February 1, 2006). Answering the TiVo Challenge. Response Magazine.

Zeisser, Michael P. (2002). Marketing in a post-TiVo world. McKinsey Quarterly, Special Edition, Technology Issue 4, p.89-92.

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